Back-Up on a Voice Cue

I decided today that I’d like to finally get something on a voice cue, and reckoned that Back-Up would be the easiest and the most useful (particularly for when I want to get one horse out and keep the other in, which is always … erm … fun …).  So I went down with the intention of doing the same as I did yesterday – keeping Frankie in the paddock while I let Maurice through to the grass.  Maurice went out and then Frankie barged through too.  Then I thought I’d try to get Maurice back in and work with him instead of Frankie (not rewarding him with a clicker session after his barginess) but that only resulted in them both running off onto the big terrace full of grass.  Not a great success, but at least I can give myself a click for correctly identifying the behaviour we really need to work on – lol!

About Sophie

Living in Portugal on a permaculture smallholding.
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